and Yappy Hours: One on one dog sledding and dryland
dog sledding programs!
Maryland Sled Dog Adventures LLC's provides
one on one tours and Yappy Hour programs. Yappy Hours
are designed to give a relatively short introduction
to do dog sledding and dryland dog sledding, while
the tours are longer and often give the participant
a chance to drive the sled or rig. For more information
on our tours and Yappy Hour programs, see our Tours
Fiona, White Hall, MD 1/21/2010
Fiona experienced educational dog sledding at it's best - a Yappy Hour of dryland dog sledding. Fiona bonded with the dogs, in particular, with Mr. Sobo. I'm not sure who missed who more- Fiona or Sobo!
For additional pictures from this program, visit
our webshots
Fiona helps to attach Sobo's belly band. |
Fiona looks happy to head out dryland dog sledding. |
Sled dogs Zoë and Acadia lead the team back towards the White Hall station. |
Fiona looks ready to take the team out dog sledding! |
Laura, Monkton, MD 1/20/2010
Laura had a special visit from Sobo Claus as she was able to experience dryland dog sledding and the Maryland Sled Dog Adventure LLC team of excited sled dogs.
For additional pictures from this program, visit
our webshots
Laura helped feed and water the dogs on the trail. |
Laura helps give wheeldog Sobo a bowl of water |
Laura went for an enjoyable dryland dog sled ride through Northern Baltimore county. |
Sled dogs Sobo and Okemo look excited as they run by the camera. |
Father-Daughter Program, White Hall, MD 1/22/2009
Tim and his intrepid group came out for a day of father
- daughter bonding through dryland dog sledding. Each
of the girls was able to get a chance to experience
dryland dog sledding.
For additional pictures from this program, visit
our webshots
Everyone gets a chance to meet the team of sled
dogs. |
A father gets the chance to meet Okemo. |
Catherine points out some of the features of
the wheeled dryland dog sledding rig. |
Although there was snow on the trail, the dryland
dog sledding rig was used. |
Father and daughter bonding at it's best. |
Acadia and Zoë race down the trail. |
Yappy Hour, White Hall, MD 1/22/2009
Tom came down to White Hall, Maryland to enjoy a dryland
dog sledding adventure. There was a light layer of
snow and a chill in the air for atmosphere.
For additional pictures from this Yappy Hour, visit
our webshots
Tom poses from the passenger seat. |
Acadia and Zoë hold the team in a 'line
out' at the water fall. |
Four Fabulous Frasier Yappy Hours, White
Hall, MD 01/17/2009
The Frasier family and friends came out to White Hall,
Maryland to enjoy Yappy Hours. The temperatures were
cold, but the dogs were excited to go dog sledding.
For additional pictures from these four Yappy Hours,
visit our webshots
How does this harness go? |
Acadia introduces herself. |
Zoë and Acadia lead the sled dog team down
the Torrey C. Brown trail. |
Little Acadia showed her meddle in lead position.. |
T-Bone's breath froze on his muzzle. |
The icy falls provided a dramatic backdrop. |
Triple Threat Holiday Yappy Hours, White
Hall, MD 12/26/2008
We met Kristen and her family while Acadia the puppy
visited Acadia the park in Maine. Kristen and her
family came from New York to visit family in Maryland
and managed to complete the loop, joining with cousins
Neal and Andrea for Yappy Hours.
For additional pictures from these three Yappy Hours,
visit our webshots
Kristen poses with Sobo. |
Andrea and the sled dog team race down the rail
trail. |
A better look at our passenger and her two wheel
dogs, Sobo and Okemo. |
Kristen out with the team of sled dogs, led
by Zoë and Acadia. |
Kristen smiles before dryland dog sledding. |
The five dog team pulls the Fritz Dyck rig
down the rail trail. |
A Cornicopia of Yappy Hours, White Hall,
MD 12/06/2008
Dryland dog sledding was a family affair that brought
adults and teens together, as Bridget, Carol, Karen,
and Kelly, came out to the Torrey C. Brown (Northern
Central Rail) Trail for dryland dog sledding.
For additional pictures from these four Yappy Hours,
visit our webshots
Posing before the run. |
Zoë ducks down as she runs down the trail |
Zoë and Sobo look ready to go. |
And a few minutes later, it's Acadia in lead. |
Kelly smiles before dryland dog sledding. |
Young Acadia ran in the wheel position during
Kelly's run. |
Yappy Hour, White Hall, MD 11/22/2008
Greg and Deanna, who were formerly owned by a Siberian
Husky, came out to the Torrey C. Brown (Northern Central
Rail) Trail for some Siberian loving and dryland dog
For additional pictures from this Yappy Hour, visit
our webshots
Deanna posing in the Fritz Dyck dryland dog
sled rig. |
Sobo and Zoë smile for the camera as they
run down the Torrey C. Brown rail trail. |
Greg looks towards Okemo and T-Bone as the sled
dog team gets ready to start down the trail. |
Greg and the dryland dog sledding team pause
for a short break near the Gunpowder Falls. |
Yappy Hour, White Hall, MD 11/04/2008
"It was the best day of my life", said Claudia
after dog sledding on the Torrey C. Brown rail trail.
Claudia, from Harrington, Delaware, performed her
civic duty and voted for dryland dog sledding on this
Election Day! For additional pictures from this Yappy
Hour, visit our webshots
Claudia meets an excite Acadia. |
Claudia poses with Okemo's big purple dog sledding
harness. |
Wow, all this dog sledding is tiring! |
Claudia and the sled dog team race down the
trail towards the Pennsylvania state line. |
Yappy Hour, Monkton, MD 10/22/2008
Christine came to Monkton station on the Torrey C.
Brown (NCR) rail trail and learned about dryland dog
sledding. For additional pictures from this Yappy
Hour, visit our webshots
Christine from the passengers seat during the
dryland dog sledding ride. |
The team races down the trail. |
Okemo hopes that someone brought the treats. |
A dryland dog sled is an ideal way to see the
fall foliage.
Yappy Hour, White Hall, MD 09/29/2008
The weather cooperated and stayed just cool enough
to allow Maryland Sled Dog Adventures LLC
to run a Yappy Hour educational program. Our guest
was able to learn a little bit about dryland dog sledding
as she toured the Torrey C Brown rail trail.
For additional pictures from this Yappy Hour, visit
our webshots
The Yappy Hour started with a meet and greet
of the sled dogs. Here, Okemo gets harnessed. |
Zoë enjoyed meeting new people. |
This Yappy Hour included a dryland dog sledding
ride through northern Baltimore county.
The sled dogs worked hard on this dog sledding
ride on the Torrey C. Brown rail trail.
Yappy Hour, White Hall, MD 09/21/2008
Alani came out and met the team of Siberian Huskies
at White Hall to learn about dryland dog sledding.
For additional pictures from this Yappy Hour, visit
our webshots
Eight year old Alani started her ride by meeting
new puppy Acadia. |
Alani tries to make the harness fit over Okemo's
big 'hug-a-head'.
Sobo lays his ears back during harnessing.
Alani and her team ride through scenic northern
Baltimore county.
At the waterfall, Alani helped to water the
dogs. |
It's my turn to drive the team! |
Additional pictures from previous years are available
in last
season's gallery.